Tom is the author of the Scoochie & Skiddles Inclusive Kids' Books Collection. He is also a licensed clinical social worker living in NJ, just outside of Philadelphia. He and his husband have two beautiful daughters.The inspiration for Tom's stories are often derived from his own family who appear as characters in the books - the character "Scoochie" is modeled after Tom's oldest daughter and the character "Skiddles" is based on her cousin. Tom hopes to increase the visibility of diverse families in children's books by creating stories that reflect broad character representation, especially LGBTQ families. Tom has been a guest on many national podcasts and has also been featured on CBSPhilly news, in SJMagazine and in Gay Parent Magazine.There are several titles in the Scoochie & Skiddles Inclusive Kids' Books Collection: Scoochie & Skiddles in Fun at Gramma'sScoochie & Skiddles in Fun at Gramma's the Coloring BookScoochie's Adoption StoryPractice Makes ProgressFun at Gramma's is a celebration of childhood fantasy and an ode to the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. Scoochie's Adoption Story is a retelling of Tom's oldest daughter's adoption. The story is told through her voice and modeled after a time he observed her telling her personal adoption story to her friends. Practice Makes Progress is about overcoming the nervousness of trying something new and how persistence and practice leads to finding the fun and joy in that activity.To learn more: Facebook: @scoochieandskiddlesInstagram: @scoochie_and_skiddlesTwitter: @teebirdjr