Erica Van Horn is an artist and writer. Born in New Hampshire in 1954, she has lived in Europe since the early eighties: France, Britain, and now rural Ireland, where she works together with the poet and artist Simon Cutts on the projects of Coracle. Publications include Black Dog White Bark, with Louis Asekoff (Visual Studies Workshop), Seven Lady Saintes (Women's Studio Workshop), Living Locally (Uniformbooks), Too Raucous For A Chorus (Coracle), which was translated and published as Nous avons de pluie assez eu (Heros Limite), as well as a forthcoming pamphlet in their series L'Ours Blanc. Also forthcoming is Fossil (A Published Event). Her work has appeared in Whitewalls, Tether, The Recorder: American Irish Historical Society, and Damn the Caesars, among other publications.