16 books
Navy Surgeon
Addresses Delivered on Various Occasions by the Most Rev. Dr. Walsh, Archbishop of Dublin (Classic Reprint)
Bimetallism and Monometallism, Interview With the Most Rev. Dr. Walsh (Classic Reprint)
O'Connell, Archbishop Murray and the Board of Charitable Bequests
The Apparitions and Shrines of Heaven's Bright Queen, Vol. 1
The Apparitions and Shrines of Heaven's Bright Queen, Vol. 1: In Legend, Poetry and History, From the Earliest Ages to the Present Time, Compiled From Approved Catholic Publications (Large Text Classic Reprint)
The Apparitions and Shrines of Heaven's Bright Queen in Legend, Poetry and History, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time, Vol. 2
The Apparitions and Shrines of Heaven's Bright Queen in Legend, Poetry and History, Vol. 3: From the Earliest Ages to the Present Time; Compiled From Approved Catholic Publications (Classic Reprint)
The Apparitions and Shrines of Heaven's Bright Queen in Legend, Poetry and History, Vol. 4
The Apparitions and Shrines of Heaven's Bright Queen in Legend, Poetry and History, Vol. 4: From the Earliest Ages to the Present Time (Large Text Classic Reprint)
Bimetallism and Monometallism
Nutrient Power
Addresses delivered on various occasions by the Most Rev. Dr. Walsh
Addresses Delivered on Various Occasions by the Most REV. Dr. Walsh, Archbishop of Dublin; With a Collection of His Grace's Letters on Various
Speak So I Shall Know Thee
Collective Bargaining and Impasse Resolution in Public Sector