11 books • 2 series
Transforming Rural China (Routledge Studies on China in Transition)
Mr. Langhorn's Memoires, with Some Meditations and Devotions of His, During His Imprisonment as Also His Petition to His Majesty, and His Speech at His Execution. (1679)
Considerations Touching the Great Question of the King's Right in Dispensing with the Penal Laws Written on the Occasion of His Late Blessed Majesties Granting Free Toleration and Indulgence / By Richard Langhorne ..., Esq. (1687)
The Essentials of Global Politics
Guide to International Relations and Diplomacy
Who are the diplomats now? (Wilton Park papers, #117)
Turkey and the New States of the Caucusus and Central Asia (Wilton Park papers, #111)
Reforming the United Nations (Wilton Park papers, #95)
The Practice of Diplomacy
The Cold War in Perspective
The Collapse of the Concert of Europe