Warren Johnson, PhD, is professor Emeritus and former chairman of the Geography Department at SanDiego State University. A geographer, educator, and bestselling author, he has a profound appreciation for the land, which led him to publish his 1978 bestselling book Muddling Toward Frugality. This book secured Warrens place as among the first to advocate sustainability in the midst of a frenzied materialistic world. Warrens life-long fascination with sustainability began with his PhD where he examined the influence of medieval thinking on the development of the British National Parks system. An honoured professor Emeritus of cultural geography, natural resources and energy, he now applies his enthusiasm for the medieval Age of Faith to examine the biblical roots of sustainability. Along with his book The Future is Not What It Used To Be, he is the author of the forthcoming The Peaceful Gene. Warren lives a ecologically and spiritually balanced life at his home in Northern California.