Jonathan Tasini is a writer, organizational strategist, and an economics and political analyst. He is the author of It's Not Raining, We're Being Peed On: The Scam of the Deficit Crisis; The Audacity of Greed: Free Markets, Corporate Thieves and The Looting of America; They Get Cake, We Eat Crumbs: The Real Story Behind Today's Unfair Economy; and The Edifice Complex: Rebuilding the American Labor Movement to Face the Global Economy, a critique and prescriptive analysis of the labor movement (1995). He has been widely published, including in The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Business Week, Playboy Magazine, The Washington Post, The New York Times and The Los Angeles Times. He is the founder, editor and publisher of Working Life, a leading progressive blog on work and the economy. He served as president of the National Writers Union (UAW Local 1981) for thirteen years.