Karen E. Mosier was born and raised in Saskatchewan. She has lived in Saskatchewan all her life and she is a proud Saskatchewanian. She has a BA in Psychology and a MSc in Pharmacy, both conferred from the University of Saskatchewan. She has worked at this institution for over eighteen years as a Research Coordinator, primarily to help faculty write research grant applications. Karen is the author of the self-help book entitled Soft Skills and Professional Tips for the Office (see karenemosier.com) and Dagger of Urachadh: Attack from the Underworld (see darachtales.com). Over the years she has developed an intense love for writing. Since she was a young girl, Karen has always been an avid reader. She also loves gardening, painting, travelling, hiking, and being outdoors. The Deadly Intruder: A Kingdom in Terror is the second book in her Darach Tales series.