15 books
A Letter to the Right Honourable George Grenville, Esq. &c. &c. &c
A Letter to the Right Honourable George Grenville, esq.
M Emoire Sur L'Administration Des Finances de L'Angleterre, Depuis La Paix
The Regulations Lately Made Concerning the Colonies, and the Taxes Imposed Upon Them, Considered.
The Controversy Between Great-Britain and Her Colonies Reviewed; The Several Pleas of the Colonies. in Support of Their Right to All the Liberties and Privileges of British Subjects, and to Exemption from the Legislative Authority of Parliament, Stated an
The Principles of the Late Changes Impartially Examined
A Letter to the Right Hon. George Grenville
A Letter to the Right Honourable George Grenville, Esq., &C. &C. &C. Upon the Conduct of the Late Opposition
Portugal. a Poem. in Two Parts.
The Controversy Between Great Britain and Her Colonies Reviewed
The Grenville Papers V1
The Speech of a Right Honourable Gentleman, on the Motion for Expelling Mr. Wilkes, Friday, February 3, 1769
A Candid Refutation of the Charges Brought Against the Present Ministers, in a Late Pamphlet, Entituled the Principles of the Late Changes Impartially Examined, in a Letter to the Supposed Author.
The Speech of a Right Honourable Gentleman