Francisco de Rojas Zorilla was born in Toledo on 4 October 1067, when Lope de Vega was 45 years old and an experienced and successful dramatist. In comparison, Rojas is less well known than Lope, the equivalent perhaps of Webster to de Vega's Shakespeare. The eldest son of a naval officer, Rojas probably received his university education at the prestigious University of Salamanca, after which he returned to Madrid and concentrated on writing for the theatre. By 1632, when he was 25, he had already gained a reputation, particularly as a court dramatist. Even at the beginning of his career he was collaborating with the most successful dramatists of his day, including Calderón, Luis Vélez de Guevara, Pérez de Montalbán, and Antonio Coello. His principal works are Del rey abajo ninguno and No hay padre siendo rey. He died at the age of 41 in 1648, possibly as a result of foul play.