Debbie Gamble-Arsenault has been mad for horses since she was a toddler; family rumour has it that "horse" was practically the first word she spoke. Raised in a close-knit, loving family that was long on children but short on horses, she fed her passion for equines by collecting model horse figurines (a collection that now numbers over 800), reading horse stories and begging rides on neighbourhood farm horses. It seemed only natural that horses would be the first topic she wrote about when she began her writing career over 25 years ago. Since then, she has been published in numerous periodicals and newspapers across North America on a wide range of topics. Debbie lives in Alexandra, a rural community on the outskirts of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, with her husband, Tim Arsenault, and two furry cat-children. Her hobbies include reading prodigiously, model-horse collecting and showing, motorcycle touring and attending rallies, and visiting with friends.