Néstor Perlongher was an Argentine poet and gay rights activist. Born in Avellaneda, Buenos Aires Province, on Christmas night in 1949, he was a founder and key member of the Frente de Liberaci--n Homosexual (Homosexual Liberation Front), one of the first LGBT organizations in the world. From 1982, he lived in São Paulo, where he earned a master's degree in Social Anthropology, and taught as a professor at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). He received the Boris Vian prize in 1987 for his book Alambres, and was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1992. His poetic work comprises six books, beginning with Austria-Hungr'a in 1980. He was a frequent contributor to various Argentine magazines, and in 1991 compiled the bilingual Spanish- Portuguese anthology Caribe transplatino, poes'a neobarroca cubana y rioplatense. One of his best-known essays is La prostituci--n masculina (Male Prostitution). He died in São Paulo in 1992.