Lindsey Fallow has spent the past decade exploring science and technology as a writer, software developer, and television personality. Following an undergraduate degree in Manufacturing Engineering, she fronted a science show for 8-12 year-olds on Disney, and went on to become a reporter & Associate Producer for Tomorrow's World (the BBC's #1 prime-time UK science and technology show) from 1998-2002. She's stood on the top of the Golden Gate bridge, fed sharks, filmed brain surgery, flown in military planes, and been bitten by a baby tiger, but is the most excited by far when her 13-year-old stepson 'gets' his homework. Dawn Griffiths started life as a mathematician at a top UK university. She was awarded a First-Class Honours degree in Mathematics, and was offered a university scholarship to undertake a PhD studying particularly rare breeds of differential equations. She moved away from academia when she realized that people would stop talking to her at parties, and went on to pursue a career in software development instead. She currently combines IT consultancy with writing and mathematics. When Dawn's not working on Head First books, you'll find her honing her Tai Chi skills, making bobbin lace or cooking nice meals. She hasn't yet mastered the art of doing all three at the same time. She also enjoys traveling, and spending time with her lovely husband, David.