Dr. Moore is a trained economist, with a BA from Stanford in Math and History and a PhD in Economic History from Princeton University (1978), he taught economics and statistics successively at the University of Texas, Harvard, MIT, and Morehouse College before quitting university teaching in 1990 for Silicon Valley. Over the years Dr. Moore has also become an amateur Egyptologist, learning how to slowly decode the ancient texts with dictionaries, visiting the Valley of the Kings, Giza and the temple ruins at Luxor several timesand becoming a little curious. He asked: Is 6,000 /- years all there is to this amazing experiment we call Ancient Egypt? Being an avid chess player himself, he started looking more carefully at the possible prehistoric connections between chess, Senet and mancala and discovered traces of a few. Dr. Moore enjoys composing improvisational pieces for singing and for the keyboard, playing chess and writing plays. He has a wife, 2 children and 3 cats.