7 books • 2 series
A Petition Directed to Her Most Excellent Maiestie Wherein Is Deliuered 1. a Meane Howe to Compound the Ciuill Dissention in the Church of England, 2. a Proofe That They Who Write for Reformation, Do Not Offend Against the Stat. of 23. Eliz. C.2. (1591)
A Specimen of the Wholesom Severities, Practis'd in Queen Elizabeth's Reign, Against Her Protestant Dissenters; In the Examination of Henry Barrow Before the High Commissioners, and Lords of the Council
A Brief Discovery of the False Churches
The Writings of Henry Barrow, 1587-1590
Elizabethan Non-Conformist Texts (Routledge Library Editions)
Writings, 1591-93 (Elizabethan Nonconformist Texts)
Writings (Elizabethan Nonconformist Texts)