14 books • 6 series
Metamathematische Methoden in Der Geometrie
Undecidable Theories (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Introduction to Logic (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Introduction to Logic and to the Methodology of the Deductive Sciences
Collected Papers Vol 4: 1958-1979 (Collected Works, #4)
Collected Papers (Contemporary Mathematicians)
Collected Papers Vol 1: 1921-1934 (Contemporary Mathematicians)
Collected Papers Vol 2: 1935-1944 (Collected Works, #2)
Collected Papers Vol 3: 1945-1957 (Collected Works, #3)
Logic, Semantics, Metamathematics
Cylindric Set Algebras (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, #883)
Ordinal Algebras (Study in Logic & Mathematics)
Introduction to Logic: And to the Methodology of Deductive Sciences (Galaxy Books)
Einfuhrung in Die Mathematische Logik