Andy Syrewicze has spent the last 11 years and more in providing technology solutions across several industry verticals, including education, healthcare, and professional services, and Fortune 500 manufacturing companies. His skills include VMware, Linux, and Network Security, but his focus over the last 7 years has been on Virtualization, Cloud Services, and the Microsoft Server Stack, with a focus on Hyper-V. That said, he has become quite involved in the Microsoft IT community over the last 2 years via a number of different mediums, such as various blogs, IT boot camps, and podcasts. He has also been named an MVP by Microsoft specifically for his contributions to the Hyper-V community. He has been featured as a co-host of the Technet Radio shows Hyper-V from a VMware Admin's Perspective and Building your Hybrid Cloud, which have been syndicated on Microsoft's website. His other notable skills are professional blogging and public speaking, both of which he participates in on a regular basis. He has a passion for technology, and greatly enjoys sharing his knowledge with peers, customers, and the IT community at large.