19 books • 3 series
The Struggle Within
Just One Night (Romance)
Emotion as Feeling Towards Value
Boys, Broken
Staying the Course as a CIO
The Exciting, True, and Adventurous Slave Narratives of Three Fugitive Slaves: William W. Brown, John Thompson, and Henry Watson Compiled
Nehemiah on the Wall in Troublesom Times, Or, a Serious and Seasonable Improvement of That Great Example of Magistratical Piety and Prudence, Self-Denial and Tenderness, Fearlesness and Fidelity, Unto Instruction and Encouragement of Present And...
The Cherokee Physician Or Indian Guide to Health: As Given by Richard Foreman a Cherokee Doctor; Comprising a Brief View of Anatomy.: With General Rules for Preserving Health Without the Use of Medicine [Special Illustrated Edition]
A Sketch of the Battle of Franklin, Tennessee: With Reminiscences of Camp Douglas & Photographs From The American Civil War
The Memoirs of Colonel John S. Mosby: & Pictures From The American Civil War
Revisions of the American Adam (Continuum Literary Studies)
Tourism and Poverty Reduction (Tourism, Environment and Development)
Doing the Right Thing Approximately Not the Wrong Thing Precisely (ODI Working Paper, #291)
The Account Handler Handbook
Measures of Effectiveness for the Information-Age Navy
Industrial Materials for the Future (IMF) R&D Priorities
The Cambridge Atlas of the Middle East and North Africa
The VersaCad Corporation's Training Guide
Glint of Death