Prof Richard Ashley is a Chartered Civil and Environmental Engineer, Co-Director of the EPSRC funded Platform Centre, and head of the Pennine Water Group (30 staff and researchers), with a current research turnover of more than 8M Euros. He is a visiting Professor in Sanitary Engineering at the Technical University of Delft, Netherlands and research advisor to FORMAS (Swedish research funding agency). He has many years experience in all aspects of urban water systems, including modelling, monitoring, management, operation and use.

A Chartered Civil and Environmental Engineer, Co-Director of the EPSRC funded Platform Centre, the Pennine Water Group (30 staff and researchers), with current research turnover of more than 8M euro. Visiting Professor in Sanitary Engineering at the Technical University of Delft, Netherlands; research advisor to FORMAS (Swedish research funding agency). Many years experience in all aspects of urban water systems, including modelling, monitoring, management, operation and use.

Research in three main areas:

* Internationally in the forefront of advancing knowledge about sewer solids and associated processes, member and former Chairman of the Sewer Systems and Processes Research group of IWA/IAHR. Elected member of the Joint Committee on Urban Drainage. Main editor and contributor to `Sewer Solids - State of the art'.
* More than 10 years researching sustainable water systems, being main author of an IWA publication on `Including sustainability in decision making for water assets - a guide'. Current relevant projects include: `Water cycle management for new developments (WaND), a UK Government project looking at all aspects of sustainable water management in a consortium - leading the decision support framework; two EU INTERREG IIIb projects: No Rainwater in Sewers (NORIS) and Urban Water Cycle Management (UWC).
* Flooding and climate change research; completed a UK Government Foresight project on Flooding and Coastal defence - leading the urban aspects. Currently leading a UKCIP project on Adaptable Urban Drainage - Addressing Change In Intensity, Occurrence And Uncertainty Of Stormwater (AUDACIOUS), on adapting to climate change. Chairman of a water and flood review inquiry for Bradford Metropolitan District Council. Various other related technical projects for industry, municipal authorities and end-users and other stakeholders.

* John Blanksby, University of Sheffield (JB)
* Mike Faram, Hydro International (MF)
* Richard Kellagher, HR Wallingford (RK) - tbc
* Roger Nowell, Sheffield County Council (RN)
* Nick Orman, WRc Group (WRc) - tbc
* Tony Poole, Bradford City Council (TP)
* Adrian Saul, University of Sheffield (AJS)
* Paul Shaffer, CIRIA (PS)
* Virginia Stovin, University of Sheffield (VS)
* Simon Tait, University of Bradford (ST)