Adalber Salas Hernandez-poet, essayist, and translator-was born in Caracas, Venezuela. He is the author of seven collections of poetry, most recently La ciencia de las despedidas (Pre-Textos). He has published five collections of essays, as well as numerous translations from Portuguese, English, and French; these include works by Marguerite Duras, Antonin Artaud, Charles Wright, Mario de Andrade, Hart Crane, Pascal Quignard, Mark Strand, Lorna Goodison, Louise Gluck, Yusef Komunyakaa, Anne Boyer, Franketienne, and Patrick Chamoiseau. He has been a member of the editorial board for Revista POESIA and Buenos Aires Poetry. He coordinates the collection Diablos Danzantes published by Amargord Ediciones and is pursuing a PhD at New York University.