Amanda Robinson is the founder of The Digital Gal. She is widely sought after in the digital marketing industry for her knowledge and experience as a Facebook Ads expert. She advises Social Media Examiner's membership group, the Social Media Marketing Society, with over 2,000 entrepreneurs and digital marketers. She is regularly featured as a guest on digital marketing podcasts and speaks both on stage and in workshop settings on everything from Facebook Ads and Analytics to Messenger Marketing Chatbots. In recent projects, Amanda was a key player in #RoadToSocial, a Social Media Road trip across the US Midwest covering 3 back-to-back digital marketing conferences with 1.9M reach and 20.3M impressions on the #RoadToSocial content. Amanda's real flair for digital marketing comes with her hands-on experience with extreme deep dives into data analysis focusing on analytics, SEO, ad targeting, split testing, and ways to make your marketing dollars more efficient. Amanda lives in Victoria, Canada.