5 books
The Secret Memoirs of Bertha Krupp, from the Papers and Diaries of Chief Gouvernante Baroness D'Alteville
Private Lives of William II & His Consort and Secret History of the Court of Berlin, from the Papers and Diaries Extending Over a Period, Beginning June, 1888, to the Spring of 1898, of a Lady-In-Waiting on Her Majesty the Empress-Queen
Letters of Field-Marshal Count Helmuth Von Moltke to His Mother and His Brothers - Primary Source Edition
Private Lives of Kaiser William II, and His Consort; Secret History of the Court of Berlin, from the Papers and Diaries of Ursula, Countess Von Eppinghoven, Dame Du Palais to Her Majesty the Empress-Queen - Primary Source Edition
The Private Lives of William II & His Consort