Chef, culinary educator, and recipe developer Lucy Vaserfirer is the author of Seared to Perfection: The Simple Art of Sealing in Flavor and the entertaining and educational food blog Hungry Cravings, an online resource demystifying complicated cooking and baking techniques and offering delicious, foolproof recipes. She is an Adjunct Instructor of Cooking at Clark College in Vancouver, WA and at Mount Hood Community College in Gresham, Oregon and has taught both home and professional cooks and bakers for years. Her recipes and writings have appeared in Cooking Club magazine, The Virginia Culinary Thymes, Weber's Time to Grill: Get In. Get Out. Get Grilling., International Association of Culinary Professionals Cooking Schools & Teachers Section Membership Newsletter, Northwest Palate, and Hospitality News. She holds Le Cordon Bleu associate degrees in both culinary arts and patisserie & baking and lives with her husband in Vancouver, WA.