Sonja Bernhardt is CEO of the award-winning software development firm ThoughtWare, Australia, and has been awarded three degrees: a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Abstract Algebra and Psychology (1987), Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (1989), and MBA (Masters of Business Administration) (1992). For decades, she has tirelessly volunteered to passionately encourage women into technology studies and careers. This has included multiple industry-related activities such as executive committees and board membership over a period of 20 years, judging appointments in a wide variety of innovation and technology awards over a period of 15 years, and taking to the airwaves as resident “geek girl” on ABC Radio over a period of 7 years. In addition, she has been an occasional contributor and/or sponsor for government and university research and is a published author of book chapters and articles in industry magazines. Her prestigious honours are that she was the first Australian inducted into the WITI (Women in Technology International) Hall of Fame in 2005, winner of the Industry and Business Award in the Our Women, Our State Awards in 2009, and first Queensland woman to be awarded the prestigious Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for services to Information Technology in 2011. She bases her life and all activities on a reality- and reason-based philosophy.