Genserik Reniers (1974) received his PhD in Applied Economic Sciences from the University of Antwerp, after completing a Master of Science degree in Chemical Engineering at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He lectures in general chemistry, organic chemistry, industrial processes, and technological risk management at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. He is also the Scientific Director of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Safety and Security. At the Campus Brussels of the KULeuven in Belgium, Professor Reniers lectures in engineering risk management, advanced occupational health and safety management and chemical processes/unit operations. At the TUDelft in the Netherlands, he teaches risk analysis & risk management. His main research interests concern the collaboration and interaction between safety and security topics and socio-economic optimization within the chemical industry. He has extensive experience in leading research projects funded both by the Belgian government and the chemical industry. He is, amongst others, a Member of the Working Party of Loss Prevention (EFCE) and the Royal Flemish Society for Engineers, and serves as an Editor for the Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries and an Associate Editor for Safety Science. He received the Trevor Kletz Merit Award 2017 for outstanding contributions to the field of Process Safety.