Chad Sweeney is a poet and translator. He is the author of five books of poetry: WHITE MARTINI OF THE APOCALYPSE (Marick Press, 2015), PARABLE OF HIDE AND SEEK (Alice James, 2010), Wolf's Milk: Lost Poems of Juan Sweeney (Forklift, 2012, bilingual English/Spanish), ARRANGING THE BLAZE (Anhinga Press, 2009), and AN ARCHITECTURE (BlazeVox, 2007). He is the translator (from the Persian, with Mojdeh Marashi) of THE SELECTED POEMS OF H.E. SAYEH: THE ART OF STEPPING THROUGH TIME (White Pine, 2011). Sweeney edited the anthology DAYS I MOVED THROUGH ORDINARY SOUNDS: THE TEACHERS OF WRITERSCORPS IN POETRY AND PROSE (CityLights, 2009) and is the editor of Ghost Town, the print and on-line journal of contemporary poetry at CSUSB. Chad's poems have appeared in Best American Poetry 2008, The Pushcart Prize Anthology 2012, American Poetry Review, Black Warrior, New American Writing, Colorado Review, Denver Qtly, Verse, Volt, Barrow Street and The Writers Almanac. He holds a PhD in English from Western Michigan University and an MFA in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University. He teaches poetry in the MFA program at California State University, San Bernardino, and lives in Redlands, California with his wife, poet Jennifer K. Sweeney, and their son Liam.