Peter Scott was born and raised in Sydney, Australia and has written over thirty books, mainly non-fiction including works on earth science, the environment, survival and teaching. In the last few years, he has turned to fiction and has written in a variety of genres, mainly historical adventure, science fiction and crime. Graduating from Sydney Teachers' College he later completed part-time university studies gaining a Bachelor of Science, Masters Degrees in Science, then Educational Administration and finally a Doctorate in Education. Apart teaching he has also been a University lecturer, an Australian Army Reserve Officer (infantry) and Naval Cadet Officer/Instructor who was trained at sea in 'Tall Ships'. Having travelled extensively to all seven continents, he has always followed his own interests and so his novels often reflect his personal experiences. Scotland and Edinburgh in particular, has always been one of his favourite places and he has returned there several times. He now lives in Brisbane, Australia with his wife and extended family.