10 books
Le Nouveau Théatre Italien, Ou Recueil General Des Comédies Représentées Par Les Comédiens Italiens Ordinaires Du Roi, Vol. 5
Reflexions Historiques Et Critiques Sur Les Differens Theatres de l'Europe
Dell' Arte Rappresentativa Capitoli SEI (Classic Reprint)
An Historical and Critical Account of the Theatres in Europe - Scholar's Choice Edition
Histoire Du Theatre Italien; Depuis La Decadence de La Comedie Latine; Avec Un Catalogue Des Tragedies Et Comedies Italiennes Imprimees Depuis L'An 15
An Historical and Critical Account of the Theatres in Europe, Together with 2 Essays. an Essay on Action and a Comparison of the Ancient and Modern Drama. [Tr.] with Notes by the Author and Translator
A General History of the Stage, from Its Origin. in Which the Several Theatres of Europe, Are Critically Compared with Each Other; The Art of Speaking in Public. a Comparison Between Antient and Modern Drama. the Second Edition, ...
Observations Sur La Comedie, Et Sur Le Genie de Moliere
An Historical and Critical Account of the Theatres in Europe