21 books • 1 series
Modern Latin America Since 1800
Pesos and Politics
MySearchLab with Pearson eText -- Standalone Access Card -- for Latin America and Its People, Combined Volume
MyLab Search with Pearson eText -- Standalone Access Card -- for Latin America and Its People, Volume 1 and Volume 2
The Mexican Revolution
Test Item File (Download Only) for Latin America and Its People (All volumes)
PowerPoint Presentations (Download only) for Latin America and Its People (All volumes)
Latin America and Its People, Volume 1 with Mysearchlab Access Code
Latin America and Its People, Volume 2 with Access Code
Readings on Latin America and its People, Volume 2 (Since 1800)
Readings on Latin America and its People, Volume 1 (To 1830)
Latin America and Its People
Latin America and Its People, Volume 1
Latin America and Its People, Volume 2
Latin America and Its People, Volume I
Latin America and Its People, Combined Volume
Rethink Redesign Reconstruct
Everyday Life and Politics in Nineteenth Century Mexico (Dialogos)
Persistent Oligarchs
Capitalists, Caciques and Revolution
Short History of Latin America