Jessie Stricchiola is the founder of Alchemist Media, Inc., a San Francisco search engine marketing company. She began her career as an internet marketing, web analytics, and search engine optimization consultant in 1998. She has been a lecturer and moderator at 60+ search engine and digital marketing industry events since 2002, including Search Engine Strategies (SES), Search Marketing Expo (SMX), ad: tech, PubCon, Web 2.0 Summit,, Stanford Publishing on the Web, and MarketLive Ecommerce Summit, and she has consulted for the U.S. Government, Microsoft Corporation, Fair Isaac Corporation and other organizations on matters pertaining to internet traffic measurement, traffic validity, trust in advertising, and related topics. During her career she has been an advocate for accountability, transparency, and explainability in the development and use of algorithms and artificial intelligence, and is currently pursuing a MSc in Data and Artificial Intelligence Ethics at the University of Edinburgh. Her early work to address the issue of click fraud within the paid search (PPC) industry has been featured in numerous media outlets, including NPR, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal,, CNN Money, and in The Google Story (First Edition, David a. Vise). Ms. Stricchiola has been retained as a testifying or consulting expert in over 100 litigation matters in U.S. and Canadian courts since 2004 and written over 70 expert reports and declarations on various internet-related topics pertaining to web analytics, traffic validity, online advertising, search engine optimization and search algorithms, social media content, digital discoverability, and related topics. Cases in which she has provided expert testimony have included patent, class action, trademark, copyright, and trade secret matters.