Eric Enge is the founder and CEO of Stone Temple Consulting, a leading SEO firm that serves a wide variety of companies, including a number of Fortune 100 companies. He writes regular columns in Search Engine Land and Search Engine Watch, and has also provided feature articles to SEOmoz. The interview series he publishes on the Ramblings about SEO blog (http: // regularly provides information directly from senior people fro Google and Microsoft on a regular basis. Eric is also a highly regarded speaker, and regular speaks on Internet marketing topics at conferences such as Pubcon, Search Engine Strategies, Search Marketing Expo, the American Marketing Association, SEMPO, Internet Retailers, O'Reilly, Web 2.0, and many others. You can also see content published by Eric on a regular basis by following him on Twitter (@stonetemple) or putting him in one of your circles on Google+ (+Eric Enge).