As Senior Software Engineer at JBoss, a Division of Red Hat, Andrew Lee Rubinger is primarily responsible for development of the company's EJB 3.x implementation. He was an early adopter of JEE technologies and an active contributor in the tech community. Dan is a member of the Seam and Weld project teams at JBoss by Red Hat, member of the JSR-314 Expert Group (JSF 2.0), author of Seam in Action and a speaker at major industry conferences such as JavaOne, Devoxx, TSSJS, Jazoon and JSF Summit. His presentation at JavaOne 2009 earned him the JavaOne Rock Star award. But he's best known by colleagues for his passionate work using technologies that include Java frameworks (Seam, CDI, Weld, JSF, EJB 3, JPA, Hibernate, Spring), testing frameworks (JUnit, TestNG, Selenium), JavaScript and DOM scripting, CSS and page layouts, Maven 2, Ant, Groovy, and many others. Aslak Knutsen, the project lead of Arquillian, is a Senior Software Engineer at JBoss, by Red Hat. He's involved in projects such as Arquillian, ShrinkWrap, Weld and Seam 3, one of the founders of the JBoss Testing initiative and a speaker at major industry conferences including Devoxx, JavaOne, Jazoon, JFokus, and Geecon.