As a 35 year old mother of three, Lauren was facing a breast cancer diagnosis and cancer surgery all while her youngest was just turning one year old. During this time, she learned that she had to make a conscious choice to push through her pain. She began to realize that a positive mindset was her best choice to get her through her recovery. This was not always easy and the theory of taking one day at a time quite literally had to be broken down to taking one hour at a time. Lauren founded the Happily Ever After League (HEAL) in 2004, just six months after her breast cancer diagnosis. HEAL helps to support moms and their families through cancer recovery. Lauren began to realize it was her cancer diagnosis that brought her to her life's work. She became a certified life coach and coaches the moms she works with through HEAL to live their lives to the fullest, even during a difficult time. She also teaches them to learn to become the best version of themselves despite their cancer diagnosis. Together, sisters, Lisa and Lauren have over forty-five years in health and healing. They have learned that in life even and adverse situation can bring about positive changes. They both live their lives by this example and came together to collaborate on Tiny Life Changes- A Guide to Achieving Your Goals and Dreams One Step and One Day at a Time. Lauren Daniels is a life coach, author and the founder of a non-profit organization. Her most important role in life, however, is being a wife and mother. She was born in Staten Island, New York and moved with her parents and sister Lisa to Scottsdale, Arizona when she was 10 years old. Lauren was very social in nature and made friends easily at her new school. She quickly got involved at school and really enjoyed spending time with her new friends. Their family really did settle in to their new community very nicely. Growing up, Lauren and her sister Lisa were quite different. Lisa knew from a very young age that she wanted to become a Pharmacist. Lauren felt very strongly there was something that she too was meant to do but as she was finishing high school and starting college she could not really identify with what her life's purpose was. So at the young age of 18, Lauren went off to school at Arizona State University and chose a general studies degree in public programs. One thing that Lauren was certain of just one year into her college experience was that she was falling in love with her then friend, Sean. Lauren and Sean started dating the summer between Freshmen and Sophomore year of college and they never turned back. They were engaged in August before their Senior year and married in November of 1990. Almost immediately after Lauren and Sean were married, Sean's job took them to Palm Springs, California. This was a difficult time for Lauren because she had to leave her parents, sister and all of her friends in Arizona. Soon after arriving in California, Lauren became pregnant with their oldest daughter Kayli. With a stroke of luck, Lauren and Sean were transferred back to Arizona after a year and a half. Once back in Arizona their family grew again, with the birth of their son Sam. Lauren and Sean were very plugged in to their community where they volunteered in many capacities. Sean coached t-ball and Lauren became PTO President at the children's school. Lauren met some amazing women during this time of her life and still often refers to them as her village. Lauren and Sean had been trying to have a third child for awhile and had some struggles during this time in growing their family. Finally, in 2002 their baby Grace completed their family. They moved to a larger home to accommodate their family of five. It was an exciting and joyful time and life was going just as they had dreamed of.
Oct 30, 2017
Cover of Tiny Life Changes

Tiny Life Changes

Apr 1, 2007
Cover of Lost and Found

Lost and Found