10 books
The Works of Mr. Edmund Smith, Late of Christ-Church, Oxford. Containing I. Phaedra and Hippolitus. II. a Poem on the Death of Mr. Philips. III. Bodleian Speech. IV. Pocockius, &c. to Which Is Prefixed a Character of Mr. Smith, by Mr. Oldisworth
An Elementary View of the Practice of Conveyancing in Solicitors Offices - Scholar's Choice Edition
Phaedra and Hippolitus
The Poems of Smith, and Blackmore
An Elementary View of the Practice of Conveyancing in Solicitors' Offices; With an Outline of the Proceedings Under the Transfer of Land and Declaration of Title Acts, 1862. for the Use of Articled Clerks
A Poem on the Death of Mr. John Philips, Etc.
Phaedra and Hippolitus. a Tragedy. as It Is Acted at the Queen's Theatre in the Hay-Market, by Her Majesty's Sworn Servants. by Mr. Edmund Smith.
Oratio in Publicis Academiae Oxoniensis Scholis, in Laudem ... Thomae Bodleii, Equitis Aurati, Publicae Ibidem Bibliothecae Fundatoris Habita AB ... Edmundo Smith, ...
The Works of Mr. Edmund Smith, Late of Christ-Church, Oxford. Containing I. PH]Dra and Hippolitus. II. a Poem on the Death of Mr. Philips. III. Bodleian Speech. IV. Pocockius, &C. to Which Is Prefixed a Character of Mr. Smith, by Mr. Oldisworth.
An Elementary View of the Practice of Conveyancing in Solicitors' Offices