Simon Fraser is best known to 2000 AD fans as the co-creator of Russian rogue Nikolai Dante, whose adventures have been a staple of the comic since his debut in 1997. Fraser is also the co-creator of Family in the Judge Dredd Megazine, and has drawn Judge Dredd and Shimura.

His best-known non-2000 AD work is Lux & Alby: Sign On and Save the Universe, a collaboration with Scottish post-punk author Martin Millar. He is currently working on an adaptation of Richard Matheson’s Hell House and is also writing and drawing Lilly Mackenzie and the Mines of Charybdis.

Mar 28, 2021
Cover of Henry Oxshott

Henry Oxshott

Jun 19, 2019
Cover of Me, Myself and I

Me, Myself and I

Apr 1, 2008
Cover of Liquid Gold

Liquid Gold

May 10, 1999
Cover of Lux and Alby

Lux and Alby