Anna Halberstadt was born and raised in Vilnius, Lithuania. At the age of eighteen she moved to Moscow to study psychology at Moscow State University. She immigrated to New York twelve years later and earned a degree in social work. Since 1980, she has worked as a clinician, teacher, and administrator of mental health clinics. Anna has published many works in the field of psychology but has found poetry to be a more adequate and condensed way to expand on the same themes growing up as a child of Holocaust survivors in a country still struggling with past trauma, living in three countries (Lithuania, Russia, U.S.), and immigration. Her creative work has appeared in Bluestem, Forge, Amarillo Bay, Cimarron Review, St. Petersburg Review, Tiferet and Mudfish, and in translation in the Lithuanian journals Literat ra Ir Menas and iaur s At nai. She lives in New York with her husband, the artist Vitaly Komar.