Dr. Sally has been a public health nurse, a school psychologist, and finally a clinical psychologist in private practice where she specialized in children's issues. Over the years, she noticed that more and more children were coming to her for anxiety. To help these children, she successfully used cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to teach them skills to decrease their worry. She realized that one of the main concepts in CBT could be taught in a book format and the idea for this book was born. Kathryn O. Galbraith, a successful author, and Dr. Sally had great fun writing this book. In fact, the entire book process from idea to printing has been one of Dr. Sally's most creative times! She is now retired but still volunteers in the schools. Dr. Sally currently writes about kids and anxiety on her blog and for online magazines. Recent articles have been published in Red Tricycle and Parent Map/Seattle. She lives in lovely, green, wet, NW Washington State with her husband and near their two daughters and four grandchildren. She loves to see the grandchildren, play ukulele, hike, bike, kayak, and travel.