Steve Silverman has been a highly-regarded science teacher at Chatham High School in upstate New York for the past twenty-nine years and will retire in June 2020. Each year, on the second Tuesday in May, a number of students dress up as Mr. Silverman to celebrate Steve Silverman Day. He has previously published Einstein's Refrigerator and Lindbergh's Artificial Heart.

His collection of unusual stories began with a desire to add some pizazz to his classroom lectures. As an early adopter of the internet, he quickly took advantage of the new opportunities that the World Wide Web offered and began to post some of his favorite stories online. His Useless Information blog was one of the first 25,000 websites ever. Few people noticed that the website existed until Yahoo! chose it as its Pick of the Week on July 9, 1997. In January 2008, the Useless Information Podcast was started and its audience has continued to grow ever since.

The topics chosen for this book are a good reflection of the author's personality. First, his role as an educator is clearly evident in his writing style. The stories are humorous and fun to read, yet they unsuspectingly educate the reader at the same time.