Vivienne Franzmann was a teacher who took up playwriting after winning the Bruntwood Playwriting award in 2008 with her first play, Mogadishu, which also won the 2010 George Devine Award and was first staged at the Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester, in 2011.

Other plays include: The IT (National Theatre Connections festival, 2021); Bodies (Royal Court Theatre, London, 2017); Pests (Royal Court, Royal Exchange Manchester and Clean Break, 2014); and The Witness (Royal Court, 2012).

She has written for Channel 4, BBC 1, Radio 4 and Radio 3. In 2014, she was awarded a BAFTA for her short film for children, Lizard Girl.

Nov 18, 2021
Cover of The IT

The IT

Jul 6, 2017
Cover of Bodies


Mar 13, 2014
Cover of Pests


May 31, 2012
Cover of The Witness

The Witness

Jan 25, 2011
Cover of Mogadishu
