Bruce Partridge is a survivor - a survivor of several thousand meetings!
Like many people who will pick up this book, Bruce has found meetings to be a vital part of his professional work life, and also of his life as a community volunteer.
During his first career he served at different times in several large Canadian and American universities in various administrative positions, including vice-president for finance and administration, executive vice president and president.
In his second career he was a corporate lawyer and then managing director of a large law firm's office in Hong Kong. In all of these positions his working day usually included at least two or three meetings with groups of all sizes, ranging from a handful of participants to an auditorium full of individuals each passionately arguing for some particular point.
Throughout these years, he also chaired or attended many meetings for various volunteer, charitable, homeowner, and religious organizations. All of them thrived on, or suffered from, how well these meetings were planned and carried out.
Some meetings were dynamic, effective and efficient. Regrettably, many of them (including a few he admits to having chaired himself early in his careers) were time-consuming, tedious, and relatively unproductive.
In this book Bruce shares what he has learned in his many years of varied experience. Using it, you can learn to plan and conduct meetings that are democratically managed, effective, and yes, enjoyable for you and for all of the participants.