33 books • 4 series
U.S. Warfare [5 volumes]
Great Sieges in World History
Andrew Foote
Rise and Fight Again (Lives of the Founders)
The Roots and Consequences of Independence Wars
The Roots and Consequences of Independence Wars: Conflicts That Changed World History
Modern Conflict in the Greater Middle East
The Roots and Consequences of Civil Wars and Revolutions
The Roots and Consequences of Civil Wars and Revolutions: Conflicts That Changed World History
The Roots and Consequences of 20th-Century Warfare
The Roots and Consequences of 20th-Century Warfare: Conflicts That Shaped the Modern World
Wars That Changed History: 50 of the World's Greatest Conflicts
Wars That Changed History
Instruments of War
The Encyclopedia of the Mexican-American War
The Encyclopedia of the War of 1812
Battles That Changed American History
Stephen Decatur
The Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War: A Political, Social, and Military History
The Civil War Naval Encyclopedia
Battles That Changed History
The Encyclopedia of the Korean War: A Political, Social, and Military History
A Global Chronology of Conflict: From the Ancient World to the Modern Middle East
U.S. Leadership in Wartime