Leanne C. Powner holds a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Michigan, where she specialized in international relations, comparative politics, and research methods. She has taught at a diverse range of institutions, including the College of Wooster, OH, where she was the Juliana Wilson Thompson Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, and American University's School of International Service and the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, where she specialized in teaching research methods.

Her prior publications include the third (with D. Scott Bennett) and fourth editions of Applying the Strategic Perspective: Problems and Models (CQ Press, 2006 & 2010), along with a number of articles and papers on pedagogy, teaching practices, classroom techniques, and assessment appearing in PS: Political Science and Politics, International Studies Perspectives, and the Journal of Political Science Education. Powner was Webmaster for the Active Learning in International Affairs Section of the International Studies Association for seven years.