Col. Grant Peverill Coronel Grant Peverill is a native of Waterloo, Iowa. He graduated from the Univ. of Iowa and accepted a 2nd Lieutenant commission from the Army ROTC program. Next came Airborne training at Fort Benning, Georgia. Upon graduation from Airborne, he was accepted by The Ranger Program. Qualifying as a Ranger Officer earned him several tours in the Middle East, providing him with ample opportunity to learn his craft. Then came a chance to work in Special Ops with a team of specialists, their work took them to many parts of the World. This work involved a good deal of anti terrorism, Al-qaida and Isis require constant vigilance. The rise of armed groups inside the US have become a more recent concern for his Group. Their aims are often no better for the US then the followers of a perverted Islam. Grant Peverill is a pseudonym, for obvious reasons.