Laynie Browne was born and grew up in Los Angeles. She attended the University of California, Berkeley, and Brown University and was awarded The Gertrude Stein Award in Innovative Poetry three times. She is the author of a novel and nine collections of poetry, most recently P R A C T I C E (SplitLevel Texts, 2015), LOST PARKOUR PS(ALMS) (Presses Universitaires de Rouen, 2014), ROSEATE, POINTS OF GOLD (Dusie Press, 2011), THE DESIRES OF LETTERS (Counterpath Press, 2010), THE SCENTED FOX (Wave Books, 2007, winner of the National Poetry Series), and DAILY SONNETS (Counterpath Press, 2007). She currently lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and two sons, after having spent periods in her life in New York City, Seattle and Tucson, Arizona.