10 books • 8 series
My Compliments to the King and Royal Family Upon His Majesty's Birth-Day, November 10, 1755 (Classic Reprint)
Reading Abbey and the Abbey Quarter
James and Jude (Paideia: Commentaries on the New Testament)
An Oxford Dream. Most Dutifully and Pathetically Address'd to His Royal Highness the Duke.
A Scheme Designed to Raise a Sum Not Exceeding Ten Thousand Pounds, for the Benefit of the Foundling-Hospital; Drawn Up in Three Letters,
Sacra Pagina (Sacra Pagina (Quality Paper), #18) (Sacra Pagina, #18)
Just James (Personalities of the New Testament S.) (Studies on Personalities of the New Testament)
Mark's Gospel (New Testament Readings)
The Quest for the Messiah
Theology as Hermeneutics (Bloomsbury Academic Collections: Biblical Studies) (Historic texts & interpreters in Biblical scholarship, #4)