20 books • 1 series
Recollections of Writers (Classic Reprint)
Tales from Chaucer
Tales From Chaucer: In Prose (Large Text Classic Reprint)
Carmina Minima (Classic Reprint)
Shakespeare-Characters: Chiefly Those Subordinate (Classic Reprint)
Carmina Minima
Adam: The Gardener (Classic Reprint)
The Riches of Chaucer, in Which His Impurities Have Been Expunged, His Spelling Modernised, His Rhythm Accentuated and His Obsolete Terms Explained; Also Have Been Added a Few Explanatory Notes and a New Memoir of the Poet
Adam, the Gardener
Adam, the Gardener - By Charles Cowden Clarke
'Many Happy Returns of the Day!' by C. and M.C. Clarke
"Many Happy Returns of the Day!"; A Birth-Day Book
The Poetical Works of John Dryden. with Life and Critical Dissertation [By George Gilfillan]. the Text Edited by Charles Cowden Clarke.
The Riches of Chaucer the Riches of Chaucer
The Shakespeare Key: Unlocking the Treasures of His Style, Elucidating the Peculiarities of His Construction, and Displaying the Beauties of His Expression (Classic Reprint)
Shakespeare-Characters; Chiefly Those Subordinate
Shakespeare-Characters, Chiefly Those Subordinate. with Illustrations
Tales from Chaucer in Prose
The Riches of Chaucer
Recollections of Writers (Regency Library)