30 books
History and Early Reports of the Master Car-Builders' Association (Volume 1-6); Including the First Six Annual Reports of the Association for the Years 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871 and 1872
Report of the Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Master Car Builders' Association (Volume 15)
The Car-Builder's Dictionary; An Vocabulary of Terms Which Designate American Railroad Cars, Their Parts, Attatchments, and Details of
The Car Builders' Dictionary; An Vocabulary of Terms Which Designate American Railway Cars, Their Parts, Attachments, and Details of
Car Builders' Dictionary; Definitions and Illustrations of American Railway Cars, Their Parts and Equipment;
Code of Rules Governing the Condition Of, and Repairs To, Freight Cars for the Interchange of Traffic, Adopted by the Master Car Builders'