Annette is an ordained pastor and has been in full-time ministry for 30 years alongside her husband Ian, during which time they have planted four churches, all of which have experienced significant growth through evangelism. She shares her husband's passion for building people, leaders and strong, healthy local churches which has included apostolic ministry throughout New Zealand and overseas. Her heart's desire is to see God's church rise to the magnificent House of God He intended; an influential, powerful, Spirit-filled, soul-winning and contagious church which represents Jesus well. Annette carries a heart to see women released and rise to their fullest potential in God and has shared her life-changing message of faith and hope in numerous church settings and conferences. She loves to create beautiful environments for women to flourish and rise in who they are in God. One of her major strengths and passions is ministering and teaching on the Holy Spirit and Faith. A passionate teacher of the Word of God, she loves to see people built and trained in a solid doctrinal foundation. Over 30 years she has been a great trainer of leaders and has developed her own School of the Bible course which has been incredibly popular. With a healthy marriage of 43 years, Ian and Annette regularly minister in the area of marriage and family and love to see couples enjoying all the fullness, fun and vibrancy God intended. Another of her greatest delights is the hilarious and fun times they share together as a growing family. They have four married daughters and sons-in-law (along with nine delicious grandchildren) who share their vibrant passion for the local church and are all involved in various areas of fruitful church leadership. Caravanning at the beach, fun dates, long walks on the beach with her husband, reading, cafe-ing, movies and shopping trips with her girls, plus quality time with her grandbabies (and photo-booking them all), are her favourite ways to unwind and replenish.