Howard P. Chudacoff is the George L. Littlefield Professor of American History and Professor of Urban Studies at Brown University. He earned his A.B and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. He has written MOBILE AMERICANS; HOW OLD ARE YOU; THE AGE OF THE BACHELOR; THE EVOLUTION OF AMERICAN URBAN SOCIETY (with Judith Smith); CHILDREN AT PLAY: AN AMERICAN HISTORY; and CHANGING THE PLAYBOOK: HOW POWER, PROFIT, AND POLITICS TRANSFORMED COLLEGE SPORTS. He has also co-edited MAJOR PROBLEMS IN AMERICAN URBAN HISTORY. His articles have appeared in such journals as the Journal of Family History, Reviews in American History, the Journal of Sport History and the Journal of American History. At Brown University, Dr. Chudacoff has co-chaired the American Civilization Program and chaired the department of history. He currently serves as Brown�s faculty representative to the NCAA. Dr. Chudacoff has also served on the board of directors of the Urban History Association. He has been recognized by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation, all of which have given him awards to advance his scholarship.
Aug 1, 2007
Cover of Children at Play

Children at Play