Steve Coplon is the Founder/Executive Director of Right Thinking Foundation (RTF), a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to fight and reduce Recidivism. A successful lifetime entrepreneur personally involved in hundreds of millions of dollars of economic development, he has developed a program based on biblical principles and proven business practices needed for success. Following Napoleon Hill's footsteps, whose work he was first introduced to over 45 years ago, RTF's financial education program teaches responsibility and making good choices. Steve has a remarkable ability to connect with people using Napoleon Hill's principle of using Master Mind groups to help make the world a better place. Persevering through severe health and financial difficulties, Steve stays focused on his life purpose of helping other people, a calling which he learned from his mother―he has dedicated his life to serving the underserved. He has gone behind the prison walls hundreds of times as a Statewide Volunteer with the Virginia Department of Corrections. Having presented his Personal Finance and Small Business Ownership seminar in numerous prisons nationally to help returning citizens be better prepared to become productive, contributing members of society upon release. His Personal Finance and Small Business Ownership curriculum is now available to prisons and jails throughout the country. Steve believes that the best way to fight Recidivism is to get to the youth and teach them to make good choices before they go too far out into the world and begin making bad choices that can ultimately cost them their freedom. He has taught financial literacy at An Achievable Dream Academy, a charter school for the at-risk in the public school system in Newport News, Virginia, where he brought real-life experiences to high school students. Steve is the host of Right Thinking with Steve Coplon, a radio show and podcast dedicated to helping anyone experiencing hardship and those who want to be there for them. He has embarked on an unusual goal―traveling to and visiting prisons in all 50 states to deliver his message of Love, Encouragement, and Hope.