17 books • 5 series
Distinctive grassland fungi
Distinctive non-gilled fungi
Distinctive gilled fungi
The genus Cortinarius in Britain
Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe Volume 2 (Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe, #2)
Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain and Europe
Philip's Guide to Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain and Northern Europe
Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain and Northern Europe (Hamlyn Guide)
Plants We Eat: Foods from Around the World
Philip's Mini Guide to Mushrooms
Pocket Nature Fungi
Fungi (Pocket Nature)
The Families of Malesian Moths and Butterflies (Fauna Malesiana Handbooks, #3)
Mushrooms and Other Fungi of North America
American Nature Guide (Canadian Nature Guides)
Mushrooms and Toadstools